Càndid Palacín Bartrolí |
Social worker, psychologist and psychotherapist, member of the School of Clinical Psychoanalysis for Children and Adolescents (ECPNA).
Participation in research on migration, unaccompanied migrant children and social work with families and publications.
Publications about the concept of Inclusive Society and social work, unaccompanied migrant minors, refugee and LGTBI and models of intervention in social work, among others.
Reflection on inclusive society and the paper of social work
The concept of inclusive society is closely associated with other notions, such as integration, exclusion or citizen participation. This conceptualization may be different in dissimilar contexts. Thus, countries such as the Netherlands, Germany, Croatia, and Spain might represent different views, perhaps due to different historical and political processes that mark the evolution of social policies and the configuration of services.
In this sense, in the Netherlands, the idea of greater participation, can lead to what we could call "paradoxes of inclusion". These paradoxes refer to exclusion arising from contradictory rules that are supposedly providing support to inclusion.
In Croatia, the concept of inclusive society is closely associated with the concept of deinstitutionalization and this, in turn, is inseparable from the notion of inclusion, understood as true inclusion in public systems, local communities, or social support networks, such as NGOs.
In Germany, the notions of inclusion and exclusion configure axes of the welfare state. In spite of dealing with a consistent portfolio of services, the dynamics of the system can cause the exclusion of certain groups; this is particularly evident in education.
Spain, on the other hand, has a precarious welfare state, a situation that has led to the creation of a third sector (or non-profit organizations) which, at certain times, replace the insufficient provision of services of the public sector.
Social workers, in each context, must adopt different strategies: listening to the trajectories of the users in order to redirect these towards inclusion paths, favoring trust in the institutions of groups commonly reluctant to do so, facing the effects that limit social structures and participating in the development of the community.
UvA Conferences & Eventscongres@uva.nl
UvA Conferences & Eventscongres@uva.nlhttps://www.ecswr2022.org
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