Instructions for presenters
Instructions for oral presentations
All presentations are allocated a certain timeslot. We have foreseen 15 minutes for each oral presentation, followed by a short Q&A of max. 5 minutes.
Please prepare your presentation in PowerPoint or PDF-format.
We kindly ask you not to bring your own laptop, but to bring your presentation on a USB-key, as a laptop will be provided in each auditory. Changing laptops takes valuable time and might cause technical difficulties. Supported presentation formats are Microsoft PowerPoint and PDF.
Presentations can be uploaded before the start of the session in the room where your presentation will take place. We kindly ask you to be in the room 15 minutes before the start of your session/workshop/symposium.
Instructions for poster presentations
There are two poster sessions, one on Thursday and one on Friday. Both will take place in the Conference Hall Witbauthuis, where all the coffee and lunch breaks will be as well.
Posters are allocated to one of the two sessions. Your poster will be on display during the day of your allocated poster session. As poster presenter, we kindly ask you to be present next to your poster during the poster session. This will give you the opportunity to meet and discuss your work with the other conference delegates.
On one of the poster panels, we will provide the list with poster numbers. Please look up your poster number, and attach your poster to the panel with the corresponding number. Attachment materials will be provided by us.
Posters should be brought to the conference and not mailed. We do not have any facilities to print your poster onsite.
Presenters are responsible for posting and removing their own materials. All posters of the poster session of that day should be attached to the correct panel before the start of the poster session (= before 12:00).
The poster panels will be available on both days from 9:45 onwards. Thursdays’ posters should be removed before 9:45 on Friday, to allow Fridays’ presenters to attach their posters. All posters should be removed before Friday 8 April, 17:00.
Posters that have not been removed will not be stored by the organization.
The timings for the poster sessions in which you will present your poster, can be found in the program.
Please take our general guidelines into account:
- Poster size = A0 (84 x 118,8 cm)
- Poster orientation = portrait (Please note that a poster in landscape format will NOT fit on the panels).
- We advise you not to laminate your poster, as this will complicate attachment
- Be sure to include the following elements on your poster:
1) the title
2) author names, affiliations and e-mail addresses
Instructions for workshops / symposia
The time schedule for the workshops and symposia can be found in the program.
All presentations are allocated a certain timeslot. We have foreseen 90 minutes for each workshop / symposia, this includes Q&A.
Please prepare your presentation in PowerPoint or PDF-format.
We kindly ask you not to bring your own laptop, but to bring your presentation on a USB-key, as a laptop will be provided in each auditory. Changing laptops takes valuable time and might cause technical difficulties. Supported presentation formats are Microsoft PowerPoint and PDF.
Presentations can be uploaded before the start of the session in the room where your presentation will take place. We kindly ask you to be in the room 15 minutes before the start of your workshop/symposium.
UvA Conferences &
UvA Conferences & Eventscongres@uva.nl
Sea Palace (conference dinner)Sea Palace (conference dinner)Oosterdokskade 8 1011 AE Amsterdam Netherlands